Know the Signs: Do You Need a Tree Removal Company?

If your tree exhibits signs that it needs to be removed then it is important to find a professional, licensed tree removal company. 

Removing a tree can be a complicated process and mistakes are costly so it is vital to find a tree removal company, like Ed’s Tree Service, that you can trust. After all, we’ve been in business for over 30 years!

How to Inspect Your Tree for Signs of Decay:Licensed and Insured Tree Removal

  1. Start at the base of the trunk and work your way up when inspecting your tree. Soil heave- the upwards swelling of soil- is the first thing to look for at the base of the trunk and beneath the canopy
  2. Around the base of the trunk, you may notice decay-producing fungi such as mushrooms, beginning to grow
  3. As you move up the trunk there may be cracks in the bark or the bark may peel back
  4. As you go further up the trunk you might notice tree holes or semi-enclosed cavities in the trunk
  5. When you reach the scaffold branches- the primary limbs which form the beginning of the tree’s canopy- they may have tree holes
  6. Going further towards the top of the canopy there might be dead or hanging branches in the upper crown- the leafy branches that make up the top part of the canopy
  7. When you inspect individual branches, there may be small twigs without buds near the ends of the branches

When Do I Need a Tree Removal Company? 

If your tree exhibits one or more of these signs, you may need to remove it. Some of these signs are subtle and could easily go unnoticed to the untrained eye. Consider finding a tree removal company, like Ed’s Tree Service, to inspect your tree and assess it for hazards.

As a professional, licensed, and trusted tree removal company, we are here for your tree removal needs and look forward to hearing from you soon!